Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Vote for Denver!
The final show is next! Don't let the little kids from Light of Doom make it...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Name that plastic
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving weekend
Finally... Halloween pics
In honor of Thanksgiving, I decided it was time to post our Halloween pictures. :) I went Trick-or-Treating with two of the most adorable clowns ever seen and their circus ringmaster (ringmistress?) Rachel thought of herself as a pirate's first mate, but she didn't want to wear the hat or carry the sword. Sarah wore Rachel's first costume, and Daniel wore the clown costume that Mom made for me! We haven't found a picture of me in it yet. Daniel enjoyed the whole process, especially when they let him reach in the candy bowl. He gave more to Rachel than he did to himself! He thought that we were supposed to go inside each house to visit...
Friday, November 16, 2007
We're still voting...
Friday, November 09, 2007
Watch and Vote Tonight!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm back!
Cousins... Rachel has wanted a cousin for so long! We worked on getting David and Sarah to stretch out to show the difference in their sizes - Sarah is 13 pounds and David is 16 or so. Of course, Uncle Kevin put the big boy's head on my little girl's not-so-little tummy. She didn't seem to mind. It was quite a task getting all the cousins lined up pldest to youngest - Kim took a video of it. :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Check This Out!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Good news... bad news
The bad news is that since this was so early and relatively easy, she could get it again this winter. Ugh. I'm thankful this one wasn't bad, though. We'll pray that if she does get it again and we're going to end up in the hospital, please allow it to happen before the end of the year so that we don't have a new $3000 deductible to meet! The insurance is paying everything 100% at this point.
So, once again, please remember to stay home when you're sick! I hope you're feeling better, Robin!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I hate RSV
Last year on Christmas Eve, we took Daniel to the ER in Florida. He had RSV then as well, but it wasn't as bad because he was older. He did end up with pneumonia, but he didn't have to stay in the hospital. I also got it and was sick for the rest of the winter. Did I mention that I hate RSV?
When Sarah was in the doctor's office for her two month well-baby checkup, I asked when RSV season begins. Paul (pediatrician and good friend) told me that they start seeing some cases in December and then it gets worse from there. I wanted to be mentally prepared for it since we'd had it the last two seasons. However, I was not prepared to be dealing with it in October. Sarah was diagnosed with RSV this afternoon. Grrr... I hate RSV. So far, she is just congested and has yellow goo coming out of her nose. Her eyes are also a bit gooey, so we have eye drops for that. This is the way Daniel's started, and then it just gets worse from here. Some babies don't have a lot of trouble with it, and we're praying that Sarah will be one of those babies! We go back to the doctor on Friday... meanwhile, I'll be watching to see if she's having any trouble breathing. Please be praying!
Also, if you are sick, stay away from children and stay home! Even if you don't think you're sick, don't touch babies' hands, faces, etc. unless you are the caregiver! It seems like this would be a no-brainer, but I'm shocked at how many people don't think about what they could be spreading to children. I'm also shocked at how many people think that it's necessary to come to work when they're incredibly sick and contagious. They even think that it's something to be commended! "See, here I am at work when I feel so awful. The workplace could not go on without me." Did I mention that I hate RSV? I think we'll stay home all winter...
Sunday, October 07, 2007
To accomplish the switch-over to the new bed, I had to rearrange some furniture to push his twin bed up against the wall and then assemble his safety rail. While I was trying to get his "big boy bed" ready for his nap, he took off his Pull-up and then proceeded to potty on the carpet. I ran him down the the hall to the potty and then he refused to go. Back to the bedroom we went just to repeat the process of pottying on the carpet and running to the bathroom. This happened SIX TIMES. However, on the SIXTH trip, he went in the potty!!! Now, you might ask why I let him stay naked only to have him go on the carpet, but this actually is a really good way to potty train if you can stand the potential messes. While I was working on his new bed, he was contained in his bedroom with me so I could catch him in the act and race him down the hall to the potty. In the end, I think he learned when he was about to go - quite the accomplishment. Now if we can convince him that he needs to go every time, we'll be all set!
While we're working on that, now I have to work on convincing him to stay in his bed. So far, so good. Friday night was the first night all week that we had to spank and return him to bed a few times. It's a work in progress. I must admit that it was pretty cute to hear him coming down the stairs that first night... he very carefully came down and slowly walked into the room and said, "Ma?" - asking if he was allowed to do that. Too cute. Then Daddy had to take him back up to bed.
Daniel has figured out that Sarah is often in mama's arms when he wants to be. He will try to move her head when she's nursing or shove her little body out of the way. He has also been known to point to her and then point to the pack n play and say "nigh-night," so that I will put Sarah down and pick him up. We've been working on sharing mama and being kind and gentle to Sarah.
So, we've had lots of changes for my routine-boy - please pray for all of us as we're adjusting...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
And again...
So now what? A friend told me to cut the feet off his sleepers and put them on backwards so that he can't unzip them, but that won't help with the naptime issue. I'm thinking about moving him to his big boy bed for two reasons. First of all, Sarah's going to need the poopy crib sometime soon - poor innocent girl who would never think of something so gross. Secondly, maybe he would find something else to do instead of playing with it - like going to the potty! Of course, I'd have to put the potty in his room because I'm sure we'll have to gate him in his room to make him stay when we first switch him. This could backfire, however, because he could smear it all over his room instead of keeping it contained in the crib. Any thoughts?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Brownies and cribs
The main part of the "brownie" that was left over was under the sheet next to the pillow. The offending sleeper with the broken snap that will never be used again by Daniel was under the sheet, also.
He's going in the potty pretty well, except when he absolutely refuses to sit on it - not even to get "Yum-yums" (M & M's - he's probably saying "yem-yem," but it sounds like yum-yum and it fits!
Sarah slept for 5 hours last night! We're making progress!! She also rolled over from her tummy to her back last week. She's officially 2 months old now. I'm going to post pictures of Sarah and Rachel at this age for comparison in the same outfits. It's deja vu. The only problem is that I have to scan the pictures of Rachel into the computer, since she was born in the age before digital cameras were popular. Dad bought his first digital camera the day Rachel was born, 7 years ago. Recently we tried to see how many megapixels that camera had and we had to look really hard! We finally found in fine print that it was 1 megapixel. I guess "digital camera" was enough to sell them back then without all the details. :) Most of our pictures were 35 mm and are not on the computer at all. Bummer.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Gross, gross, gross
So I guess I didn't hear Daniel the other morning when he was awake in his crib. Brad heard him when he was ready to take Rachel to school... I didn't hear him for another 30-40 minutes. When I found him, he was naked and his diaper was on the floor. Since this was the third such occurance (due to a sleeper that won't snap at the top which makes it really easy for him to remove), I took pictures for future evidence. All cleaned up... notice that he actually has diaper rash on his forehead! Thankfully that went away after a couple of hours. So last night I bought him a potty. Unfortunately, we can't find our other TWO potties, only the stepstools. He proudly took his potty from the living room into the bathroom and proceeded to take off his shorts and diaper. Then, with much fanfare, we put on a pull-up. This afternoon he actually went potty in the potty! We're having trouble putting the Pull-up back on after sitting on the potty. If you see my son outside with nothing on his bottom, please let me know. :)
Sunday, September 09, 2007
This is for Keetha! Grandma bought the kids Colts attire this weekend - unfortunately, Sarah soiled her Colts sleeper so she was only able to model her Colts bib.
Daniel wanted get rinsed off in the sink rather than the bathtub. It doesn't work quite as well for him as it does for Sarah, but he enjoyed it!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Labor Day
My project was to finish removing the wallpaper in the bathroom downstairs. I had started it last October before we moved, and before I got pregant! I was tired of looking at the half-removed wallpaper and I finally had a little energy to work on it. I would do a little and then nurse the baby. Do a little more and nurse the baby. Then I put Daniel down for a nap. Then I nursed the baby... do you see the pattern?
This is how I finally got the project finished. She slept for quite awhile in her bouncy seat.
I did have a little help.
New post... finally!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Dog Found
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Life at home
A friend from church made her this darling, hooded towel. She loves bath time, as long as she doesn't get cold! So far, she has only been bathed in the bathroom sink.
Today, Sarah sat next to Daddy on the couch while he finished up some work. I think she likes this sitting up thing!
After bath time, ready for bed - had to get a picture of the curls, although you can't see them very well. I'm hoping she'll have curly hair like Daniel's - this time we won't have to cut the curls off!
Big sister Rachel loves to hold Sarah until she starts crying. She's rather annoyed when Sarah stops crying as soon as I pick her up. Rachel does a very good job with her, though. I will miss her help when she goes to school Thursday.
Daniel always wants to hold "the babay." Maybe I should spell it "bebe" with an accent mark over the second syllable. He will actually try to pull her away from me or pick her up from whatever she's in. When he's done, he pushes her away. She started crying last night when we were on our porch, and he tried to lift up my shirt while saying, "Eat, eat." The baby eats when she cries - he's just trying to be helpful and expose where she eats for the whole world to see. How nice. I'm amazed at how much he understands!
He was getting a little jealous of Mommy time. He tried to push "the bebe" away so he could have some lap room. We settled for one of Mommy's legs while Daddy snapped pictures. He loves to pose for the camera!