Sunday, October 07, 2007


Daniel is a boy who likes routine... which is why he has routinely decorated with his own excrement. After another episode - this time decorating the wall in his bedroom - I decided that he had just spent the last night in his crib.

To accomplish the switch-over to the new bed, I had to rearrange some furniture to push his twin bed up against the wall and then assemble his safety rail. While I was trying to get his "big boy bed" ready for his nap, he took off his Pull-up and then proceeded to potty on the carpet. I ran him down the the hall to the potty and then he refused to go. Back to the bedroom we went just to repeat the process of pottying on the carpet and running to the bathroom. This happened SIX TIMES. However, on the SIXTH trip, he went in the potty!!! Now, you might ask why I let him stay naked only to have him go on the carpet, but this actually is a really good way to potty train if you can stand the potential messes. While I was working on his new bed, he was contained in his bedroom with me so I could catch him in the act and race him down the hall to the potty. In the end, I think he learned when he was about to go - quite the accomplishment. Now if we can convince him that he needs to go every time, we'll be all set!

While we're working on that, now I have to work on convincing him to stay in his bed. So far, so good. Friday night was the first night all week that we had to spank and return him to bed a few times. It's a work in progress. I must admit that it was pretty cute to hear him coming down the stairs that first night... he very carefully came down and slowly walked into the room and said, "Ma?" - asking if he was allowed to do that. Too cute. Then Daddy had to take him back up to bed.

Daniel has figured out that Sarah is often in mama's arms when he wants to be. He will try to move her head when she's nursing or shove her little body out of the way. He has also been known to point to her and then point to the pack n play and say "nigh-night," so that I will put Sarah down and pick him up. We've been working on sharing mama and being kind and gentle to Sarah.

So, we've had lots of changes for my routine-boy - please pray for all of us as we're adjusting...


Amy said...

You definitely have my sympathy and prayers. I'm not even trying to potty-train Brady. Bryan, though, well, he's been a challenge. Godspeed, my friend. Keep that lower grocery bill in sight!

Keetha Broyles said...

Imagine that Kim is still willing to have a family AFTER reading all these Daniel tales!!!! ;-)