Wednesday, September 26, 2007

And again...

This time at Grandma's house while he was supposed to be napping. I'm pooped after cleaning it up again. He should be all pooped out as well, but I'm guessing he won't be. So now I'm dealing with a toddler who didn't get his nap, also! Of course I found him 5 minutes before Sarah was supposed to be at the doctor's office for a check-up. Ugh. This time the unpainted wall bore the brunt of the "painting." I haven't gotten all of it off yet. Yesterday, Brad was home just long enough to put all the linens in the laundry. He said he could smell it as soon as he came upstairs. So true.
So now what? A friend told me to cut the feet off his sleepers and put them on backwards so that he can't unzip them, but that won't help with the naptime issue. I'm thinking about moving him to his big boy bed for two reasons. First of all, Sarah's going to need the poopy crib sometime soon - poor innocent girl who would never think of something so gross. Secondly, maybe he would find something else to do instead of playing with it - like going to the potty! Of course, I'd have to put the potty in his room because I'm sure we'll have to gate him in his room to make him stay when we first switch him. This could backfire, however, because he could smear it all over his room instead of keeping it contained in the crib. Any thoughts?


Keetha Broyles said...

What, they don't make steel plated pull-ups that velcro tightly onto the toddler's behind???????

Polartribe said...

Thought about cloth diapers with snaps? Or even the cloth training pants with snaps? I know that my boys have a hard time with those snaps!


Deven said...

Well, I have to say we have unfortunate family experience. Stephen's niece and nephew had a potty in their room and "painted" the carpet and wallpaper.

Jaena said...

If I remember right, our friend also said she duct taped the diaper at the top. I would seriously do whatever it takes (although I also hope I am never in that situation).

Amy said...

Until he learns to either keep his pull-up on or to always use the toilet, I'd keep him in onesies during naptime & nighttime. I had to do that with my boys, although they never used their diaper contents as art media. :) I feel for you! Fortunately I can't smell it....

jenny marvin mealy said...

my sister had one of hers that would drop his diaper at randoms places around the house and she put the diapers on backwards and duct taped the top to keep him in them-sounds awful, but it worked!
Hang in there!

Robin said...

I'm liking the duct tape idea! But what do I know?