Monday, May 07, 2007

House update

Well, we accepted an offer on our house a couple of weeks ago, with the offer being contingent on the guy selling his house out of state by May 7 (today.) We did protect ourselves by adding to the contract that he would have 48 hours to remove the contingency if we received another offer. Friday, the realtor called and said he wanted to extend the date to sell his house to June 30. Ugh. I was hoping we had just paid the last of the mortgage payments on that house! I guess he has a buyer, but the process is not going well and the house continues to be shown. Ours is also being shown, but we have not received any additional offers up to this point. We have some good prospects moving into town that are very interested, but the timing isn't quite right to make an offer. So I would ask for your continued prayers regarding this house. We've been paying two mortgage payments for 7 months now, which is a bit of a drain on the family finances, but the Lord continues to provide! It will just be nice to have to pay for and maintain only one house. :)


Keetha Broyles said...

I don't know how you do it - - - - make two mortgage payments. Bless your hearts!!!

I do know this - - - it took our house in Bluffton a LONG time to sell (but we didn't move over here till it sold) and I couldn't figure out WHY! Later it all became clear, God had a really good reason. I'm sure He does for you too - - - -

jenny marvin mealy said...

I was by the old house yesterday and it made me so sad! I miss you guys. It seems like you moved to the other side of the world.

oh and tell Brad he really should mow now and then, every one of the neighbors was out mowing last night.

Deb said...

If only realtors could get their act together...

Lisa said...

Been there doing that. We'll pray for you. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Watch for the ways God provides. It really is amazing.

We have an accepted offer and plan to close on this house the first week of June!

It will happen.