You are all awesome for helping with the work of driving shuttles. As a reminder, you will need to arrive about 15 minutes before your scheduled shift. The transportation tent will be located around the Former Center School Building. You will recieve your shirt there. You will also earn a free lunch for your work so stop by before or after your shift to get your lunch ticket. Coffee will be on the house at McConn that day for you too. Simply let them know that you are working for the Alumni Office driving a shuttle. If you have any questions give me a call, drop me an email or hit me up on Facebook. Bye for Now!
Just curious--any shuttles between ELP and Marion? :)
None currently. Would you like to volunteer to drive that shuttle from El Paso to Marion if we do it next year?
I just tagged you in my latest blog post -
Yeah--is gas provided? :)
Oh this brings back Youth Convention memories. I remember ONE year that Greg B and Dave L stood outside the stadium at Urbana TRYING to keep people from PARKING in the shuttle bus lane.
They nearly FROZE their little tushes off. AND found out that Wesleyan pastors don't ALL take the word "no" kindly.
I'll volunteer to drive the shuttle between NC and Marion next year!
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