Saturday, October 18, 2008

Drennen's Pumpkin Kingdom

Today, we went to Drennen's Pumpkin Kingdom - a pumpkin patch just a few minutes away. Brad was sick today, so he didn't go with us, but Grandma and Grandpa did! Since this was for Daniel's birthday, I should refer to them as Ba-ma and Him. Sometimes "Him" is Papa, but lately he's "Him." (After I posted this blog and showed Daniel the pictures, he identified "Him" as "Bampa. That was the clearest he's ever been!) Daniel's 3rd birthday is Monday, but we did our activity today since it was Saturday.

We got to pet baby animals, go through a corn maze, and take a hay ride out to see the pumpkin patch. The kids all picked out their own pumpkins. I handed one to Sarah and discovered that it had a small hole in it, but she refused to let go of it. Daniel picked out a very small one - he didn't want a bigger one because he could pick this one up. Mom thinks he tried to pick up one of the huge ones and couldn't, so he was happy with a very small one. Unfortunately, the battery on my camera ran out before I could get pictures of them with all the pumpkins. :( The spare battery was at home!


Keri said...


I thought I left this comment already but obviously not! Geez you probably think I'm ignoring you!

I have heard of Drennen's and REALLY wanted to get out there this year!! But it didn't happen. Maybe we can still go...but if not, I definitely want to next year!

Your kids are sooo adorable! I can't believe how huge Sarah is already!

Kim and Mike said...

Hannah LOVED watching the videos of her cousins! She wants to type a comment, too.....

bu u @zb vbb
Love, Hannah

Unknown said...

Looks like a ton of fun!

Amy said...

Cute! We're probably going to the zoo for Brady's birthday. He likes to watch the monkeys and take notes...maybe we won't go after all.