Monday, July 02, 2007


We've been gone at camp for two weeks, so I apologize for the lack of postings! I have no pictures either, because our scanner is disconnected. I would be able to show you Sarah's hair-do that we saw on the ultrasound three weeks ago - it's just lovely. :) Anyway, we discovered that she was breech on that ultrasound, but today I found out that she has officially flipped - in a good way :) She's head down and ready to go. Now if these annoying contractions would do anything, we'd be in business!
Brad's parents are here for a visit this week, so I won't be posting much else for awhile. We'll let you know if there's any baby news, though. :)


Amy said...

Yea! Another friend of mine had her baby last night. Everyone's due within the next few weeks, but you're the only one expecting a girl. :)

Keetha Broyles said...

Thanks for the update - - - I've been missing you!!!

Robin said...

I've been praying for little Sarah! Glad to hear she's "headed in the right direction"!

Anon said...

That is good news that she's headed the right direction! hehehe


Unknown said...

Glad to hear she is turned. That makes things easier. Hope your time with the in-laws was good. Congrats on being an Aunt!