Jack really enojoyed romping around in the back yard. He is a BIG dog, with very long legs, although it doesn't really look like it here! In places the snow was higher than his chest.
Rachel's "cozy coupe" was parked alongside the garage. She was amazed to see it filled with snow.
"I'm melting... I'm melting!" She's not the Wicked Witch of the West, and she wasn't really melting - she was sinking. Rachel is standing up in this picture.
He came, he shoveled, he conquered! He made it to the garage! Tomorrow's task will be to get the van out of the garage. No one has traveled down the alley, yet, so that may be a task. Where, you may ask, is our really nice snowblower that we purchased a couple of houses ago? This is the biggest snow we've had in YEARS, and it certainly would have come in handy. The snowblower, of course, is still at our other house! I hope our neighbor got it started and got some use out of it, since we didn't. Moving is such fun. I did finally find my boots today in a random box. We're still looking for Rachel's snow pants and Daniel's snow mittens.
While all of this snow play was going on, Daniel and I did what we do best... made brownies! I hope we'll get him out in the snow tomorrow, now that the path is clear to the garage. That's where his snow pants are.
I don't think yours blew away as much as ours did - - - my back deck banister never did collect a tall pile of snow.
Our back deck banister was empty, too. That's a picture of our front porch area, that eventually collected a bit of snow.
Probably not the most efficient way to place an order, but I've lost your number. Could I get 3 12x12 white refill pages? How should we "make the exchange?" Will you be on campus and see either my mom or mother-in-law? If you let me know how much, I can give them the money.
Wow--love the snow! I won't go on and on about how much we miss it....It looks like we'll be moving in 2 years, but unfortunately not north. East, which is closer, though. Better stop writing--it's all SECRET. :)
You place looks like my place.
Yeah, your place looks just like my place. . . NOT!
Hey--Bryan & Mo are having a boy. That puts more pressure on you to give me a reason to shop for cute girl things. :) Just kidding--just a little more pressure. A few other friends are due this summer, too. Surely, between the SIX of you, one is carrying a girl!!!
Kari-I am sorry...I just saw you comment today on our blog. My email is hksemple@yahoo.com.
Thanks for the delivery - check will be in the mail!
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