Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pork Chops

For Sunday dinner, we went to a local Chinese buffet. They normally have good service, but that day we had to wait on just about everything, including silverware. As I was trying to get situated, Rachel asked rather loudly and excitedly, "Are we going to have to eat with pork chops?" I didn't understand what she meant the first time, so she repeated it for me. She was very relieved to know that we weren't going to have to eat with chop sticks, but that eventually they would bring us silverware (and drinks, too!).


Kim and Mike said...

That's a good one. Mike and I both enjoyed that. We love eating Chinese food with pork chops....I mean chop sticks. :)

Deb said...

I downloaded the "Cherish" and "Urban Splash," and I am very excited they keep coming out with different templates. I am trying to get through 2006 so I can do the 2007 through Storbook. I was hoping to work on the books the last couple of days since we are in, but I've run out of pages! Wish you were still down the street...

Keetha Broyles said...

I LOVE this pork chop story, and I LOVE that little Rachel.

Deb - - - are you speaking in ENGLISH??? 'Cause I'm not understanding you in that comment - - - I guess Kari does, and it is after all - - - HER blog.

Terhune Family said...

Keetha, Deb is speaking "photo album-ese," referring to her 2006 photo album that she's doing in a traditional scrapbook, and her 2007 album that she is doing digitally as a Storybook. It's Creative Memories' version of a photobook that you can actually write what happened in the photos and record your story along with it. Kind of what we do in our blogs, but it's printed in a bound book that won't disappear online. :)

Keetha Broyles said...

I guessed it must be something about scrapbooking. I'm glad YOU GIRLS enjoy that - - - -