Here's your Christmas card! OK, it's just the picture, but the rest would say "Merry Christmas! Brad, Kari, Rachel and Daniel"
Well, I'm feeling a bit better, but Daniel isn't. Today, we spent the afternoon in the ER and Daniel was diagnosed with pneumonia and RSV. Last winter, he ended up in the hospital with RSV. Every health professional I told about it (including Greg Broyles) said, " 'Tis the season for RSV." So, JoEllen, be encouraged that it is for very good reason that you keep your precious little ones at home this winter!
Enough bad news... the good news is that it's Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Enough bad news... the good news is that it's Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
So sorry to hear about the RSV...again! I was just thinking that this is the first holiday season in 3 years without a hospitalized child. However, everyone's sick. :(
Merry Christmas! It will be great anyway!!
I'm so sorry, Kari. You all need to stay in and get Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. No more germs! :)
Merry Christmas! I hope Daniel gets well soon, and that you continue to feel better!
Cute picture by the way!
Wait until I tell Greg that he has now ARRIVED - - - been quoted as a medical expert in the Kari's blog!!!!
Keetha, I believe the phrase was "health professional." :) Greg took care of me when Daniel was in the hospital with RSV last winter, and I was having asthma problems. That's when I remember the "'Tis the season" quote.
Hope all is well now.
Kari - - - have you seen the "invite" on my blog? Hoping you can come - - -
Awe, so sorry to hear!
and yes this will defintiely make me keep the kiddos inside! I hope he gets better soooon.
Great photo!
Hope he's feeling better soon!
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