Thursday, October 19, 2006


Today is my baby brother's birthday. Happy birthday, Kevin!

Providential phone call... update on the fridge - I finally called Sears about the fact that my brand new fridge (that doesn't fit in my kitchen) had a dent on the side. It just so happened that when I called the large appliance department, the store manager answered. He gave me a 10% discount with no argument! Thank you Store Manager Joe!

First broken bone milestone - So I was telling my class the other day how awful it was to see Rachel's broken arm on the x-ray (she was 9 months old at the time). It was even more awful because neither Brad nor I had ever had a broken bone. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut. Monday night Brad broke a rib at a YFC event. I'm rather impressed at the lengths to which he will go in order to avoid moving all of our furniture! He is recruiting helpers for the big move date next week, since he can't do much of anything except supervise. Ugh.

Here's my girl... she's my big first grader. She took a new bus today to a brand new bus stop - that's where she'll be when we move next week. The bus stop is about three blocks away from our new house. She was so brave going on a new bus and I met her at the bus stop and then we had an afterschool snack of ice cream - our favorite. :) She has learned to count to 100 and beyond and she loves to read all kinds of books. She checked out this wolf book recently, that she LOVED - she was especially intrigued by the picture of the wolf eating a moose. I guess she'll be the biologist. Yuck. She was very thrilled with her book of leaf rubbings, however - not nearly so gross. Her favorite series of books lately is the series about "Biscuit" the dog.

Here's my boy, using a pen as a phone. He is WALKING all over the place now, and he can walk and talk on the "phone" at the same time!! Believe it or not, my baby is going to be one year old tomorrow. I can hardly believe that a whole year has gone by... I can also hardly believe that he has four teeth that have been in for awhile, and he has four more that are poking through! Rachel had one tooth at this age.
He says, "yesh," "Ma, ma, ma, " "Da, da, da, da," "Ta, ta" (when looking at a picture of Grandpa) and "ack" for Jack, our dog. Daniel and Jack are best buddies - Jack parks himself right under Daniel's high chair and Daniel loves Jack's dog food. Another yuck.

Well, I can't seem to post the "before" pictures to go with these "almost after" pictures. They're "almost after" because we're obviously not done, but the rooms are a lot better than they were! Our first room has been painted - never mind that it's the smallest room in the house and now Brad can't really paint and we have four rooms to go and I'm feeling rather overwhelmed - our first room has been painted!!
Carpets have been cleaned upstairs...
Carpet has been ripped out downstairs...
Beautiful tile floor has been installed in the kitchen...
Current house is now listed and we got a sign out front today. Kinda sad... will be nice when we only have one mortgage, though. :)
OK I think that's all my thoughts for now. I'll post pictures of my baby with his birthday cake after we celebrate.


Amy said...

Give Daniel birthday hugs for us. His present is sitting here, waiting to be mailed (keeping Kim's cheeseball company....). Sorry to hear about Brad! I'll try to call this weekend so we can catch up!

About Brandon said...


Hope you guys are doing well in the transition to Hartford City - great place to live!

Please to Brad I say "hi".


About Brandon said...



Anonymous said...

I know the son will be one in January and I just can't beleive it.