Friday, September 01, 2006

My baby brother is getting married...

Tomorrow there will be a new "Mrs. Newell" in the world... Kevin is getting married! I will be sure to post some pictures of the wedding, but here's a picture of the happy couple, soon to be Kevin and Tara Newell. Rachel will be the flower girl, along with Tara's neices. We enjoyed a nice time with Mom's side of the family, shopping, eating and doing fun, brainless things like that. Daniel is entertaining everyone, of course.


Keetha Broyles said...

I heard Kevin was getting married - - - he is as handsome as ever, and she is adorable!!!!

I will NEVER forget the weekend that Kelly had four or five teen camp friends over to spend the ENTIRE weekend. Kevin was one of them. They had a ball - - - - but I thought the noise and commotion and odors all those boys made was going to drive me CRAZY by the time the weekend ended.

Robin said...

Congratulations Kevin and Tara!