Friday, March 02, 2007

Mama and Puke Boy

Here's my 19 week pregnancy shot - Tara is going to inherit some of the tops that I bought this pregnancy and am outgrowing already! This one is on it's way out.
Daniel has thrown up four times today, so far. Poor baby. He'd had enough of Mommy not holding him.


Keetha Broyles said...

Kari, you look so pretty in this picture - - - much too pretty to be listed side by side with PUKE!!!!

Terhune Family said...

Thanks, Keetha. I'm on my third outfit today because I've been covered in puke twice now. My dad got doused also. I think we're up to a count of ten pukes. He's been asleep for three hours now, so I'm hoping he's done!

Robin said...

Yikes! Poor little puke boy!

You look pretty though!

Amy said...

So sorry to hear Daniel's puking. Just wait until all 3 (or 4, as in my case) of your kids are AT THE SAME TIME. Every time I consider getting rid of extra sheets, pillows, blankets, I think of all the times I've needed them b/c I can't keep up with the laundry from all the sickness.

By the way, you look wonderful! Can't wait to find out who'll be joining your family!

Keetha Broyles said...

Kari - - - I had that "puking" disease a few weeks ago - - - (in the pictures with the blue hair) - - - I went back to my normal life right away - - - but felt ROTTEN for two weeks.

Terhune Family said...

Keetha... We're on day 3 of the "puking disease" and now it's not puking, it's just blow-out diapers. He does feel rotten.

Keetha Broyles said...

He has ALL my empathy. It was/is a MISERABLE sickness.

Unknown said...

You look GREAT! Sorry about the pukey boy though! I Hope he's feeling better.
PS, thanks for the comment on our blog. I had my mom and aunt look at it and I'm sure they teared up! I did too! That's so cool. I'm sure Brad got an earful. My mom said she thinks she knows who the people are. I didn't know you looked at the house behind theirs. That's crazy. Even after all this time, I still tear up when I drive through the old neighborhood.
HOpe you are well!

Keri said...

Kari, you're gorgeous!!!!