Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Walk Down Memory Lane...

I still have these weird "de javu" moments since we moved into the house that I grew up in... It's totally weird seeing my kids take a walk on the same sidewalks that Kim, Kevin, and I played on when we were kids. Even weirder knowing that the kids that we played with now have kids of their own and they walk home from school with Rachel! The big crack in the sidewalk is even still there. Rachel was so good about helping Daniel over it. It really made him mad when she picked him up to carry him over it. He tolerated it better when she just guided him.
Speaking of Daniel, I gave him a 6 quart stockpot to play with while I was fixing dinner the other day. He banged around with the wooden spoon, and then I looked over and saw him sitting in it! And not to forget Rachel, the other day, she very emphatically informed me that her book order had to be in by the "twenty-tooth!" (22nd, for those of you not familiar with 1st grader-ease)


Keetha Broyles said...

Cute pictures - - - - - - love the "potpie"

One thing though - - - - - why is Daniel all bundled up complete with boots and Rachel is barefoot??????

Where's the happy medium????

Keri said...


Terhune Family said...

I knew someone would comment about the barefoot child. It was in the lower 60's that day, I believe, and Daniel had on a spring jacket with his hood up. I must confess that when they first started walking, Daniel was barefoot, too. His shoes were in the van, so he was quickly "shoed". Rachel is a different story - she seems to think that barefoot is OK any time of year, and I didn't notice until I was done with the pictures. She does own shoes! (several pairs, I might add)

Amy said...

You know, people down here bundle their kids up in parkas and totally neglect their feet. I think parkas are a bit much for 40-degree winters, and I run my car a/c year round. So here I'm the crazy one--not the barefoot parka-wearing weirdos.

Unknown said...

What fun pictures! I think dejavue moments are a good thing. That's impressive that Daniel can fit in a pot. I think that may be one of the pictures you look back on when he gets married and just crack up at! Thanks for the fun laugh.
You may see my parents around the neighborhood sometime-my mom loves to reminisce.

Robin said...

How fun watching your kids experiencing the same things you did! Rachel looks like a great "little mommy" and Daniel looks like he's having so much fun!

Jaena said...

I missed youi at MOMS today. I heard you and Daniel aren't feeling well...what's up?

jenny marvin mealy said...

I love the Pot O'Daniel! That is too cute!

We are finally home from vacation-I can't wait to chat with you!